Saturday, May 21, 2011

Judgement Day

Today the world is going to end....Camping said.
     Who gives this man the authority to predict such a thing? GOD? He claimed he figured this date out mathematically. He does not have a degree in mathematics, why would anyone trust his judgement on a mathematical equation? I will tell you why, because he has plenty of money!
     I believe in GOD and I know from reading the bible, that it preaches, nobody will be able to predict Judgement Day. My area of concern is for the people who do not know the bible or do not believe in the Lord. These are the people who will either end up disbelieving or feeling confused at the end of the day. I also, feel sorry for the men and women who entrusted their money to Camping. He spent millions on billboard signs claiming he knew the world would end today.
     I will break it down for anyone confused about this subject. Anyone who claims to know when Judgement Day will come, is full of it, we will not be able to prepare. Read the bible!!!!
     Many preachers, pastors, make more money and have nicer homes than most people who attend their church. I have a feeling GOD did not intend it to be that way.
     If you don't believe in GOD, I think you should find a church or read a Bible, do not believe all Christians believe the way Camping did. Then, for those who do believe, make sure the preacher isn't driving a Lexis and requesting more money.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Stop the Vote

     I have an issue with people being allowed to vote that clearly do not have any idea on what they are voting about. Rather than promoting everyone to go out and vote, such as Rock the Vote. I opt for telling certain individuals to stay at home election day and Stop the Vote. Too many people go to the voting booths time and time again and vote for things they have no idea about.
     In 2008 Newsweek reported 1,528,744 voters in California alone voted in a way that differed from their own public policy intention. This alone proves that over a million and a half people should not have been voting. In 2010, prop 20 and 27 completely contradicted themselves, due to this government officials decided whichever had the highest amount that were for the proposition would pass. So this is proof that our officials are aware of the problem concerning ignorant voting. During the Obama/McCain election, Zobgy a worldwide unbiased opinion poll stated 87% of Obama voters thought Palin was quoted as saying she could see Russia from her house when in all actuality it was Tina Fey who said that. Majority of these same Obama voters were unaware of the fact that his plan could kill the coal industry causing our energy prices to sky rocket. By the way, this is still on the list and if it is passed I believe we are in big trouble. How can we intelligently continue to allow people who are uninformed or misinformed make decisions that will effect this entire country.
     We can do nothing and allow uninformed people to continue to vote, further corrupting our country or we can enact a new law, a law that requires the voter to take a simple test about what they will be voting on prior to voting. I vote to Stop the Vote, in our country we require a test to get certain jobs, to get citizenship and to drive a car. Isn't having a voice in the concerns of this country equally important?

About Me

     My name is Kimberly Wheeler. I was born in Visalia California and lived there for majority of my life. I am 33 and a mother of five. I am currently attending the College of the Sequioas and taking 21 units. I also work at the writing center on campus as a writing consultant and I am a server at Pizza Hut.
     Next semester I am registered to take 26 units, continue with my two jobs and I have also decided to keep the husband and 5 kids!!! So my plate is overflowing and I have no hunger for more. The insanity behind my choice to take on so much is simple. Money is tight and I refuse to live off the system, so the only choice is to work. Work to help support my family and work towards a better future. I believe I am on the right path, my family is extremely supportive and I am maintaining a 4.0 grade point average.
     I started this site because I was told to do so by my wonderful instructor, Mr. Paul Hurley, whom is reading this and hopefully laughing at the fact I decided to mention him in my post. I plan to maintain and learn from this though. I am new to blogging and I truly have no clue how to start but my plan is to update and write periodically about my ideas and thoughts. So cheers to my diary for everyone to read!!!